T.O at R74 to Winterton / Bergville (opp Estcourt)
Pass Winterton 23km, to Bergville 21km, and 32km to the top of the pass (Windmills resort and the Border Post lodge ) It’s 3.5 km to the 1st S19 sign.
(The S19 does a big loop back to the R74 about 10km further on. The 1st TO is more scenic but a bit pebbly for very low cars!)

If you take the 1st TO, go 4 km and right at the the S796.
Go 2 kms and turn right at the Summerslie Maweni sign (just after bridge on top of hill)
Go 3km to 1st grid (see yellow JoJo tanks) then 1 km to 2nd grid with gate (usually open) and 0.2km to the big gate which is locked.
Then It’s 1km to the house.
(What’s app an ETA beforehand please) If the farm gates are closed, please close again after you and lock the main gate. Tx
NB – 100m after the big gate the road forks, left through the small stream or right over the narrow iron bridge if you’re brave! Thereafter it’s a grass track to the house.
                                Welcome to Maweni!

NB If you take the 2nd S19 T.O, (the S19 does a loop coming back to the R74)
go the extra 10km to the 2nd S19 sign
(with the Sterkfontein dam on left) and T.O right, go 4 kms (and 200m past the Kindrochart farm gate) go left on “S796”
Then Directions on the S796 as above

                                   VIA HARRISMITH
Dbn – H Smith 310km
From Harrismith, go 5km on N5 to Bethlehem and T.O left to Clarence (R74)
Go 10 km and T.O left on R74 to Bergville (yes, it’s still the R74, weird!)
Go 10 km and and T.O left on S19 (gravel rd)
Go 4 km (and 200m past the Kindrochart gate) turn left on S796
Then Directions on the S796 as above